We believe childhood is too short to be spent on a smartphone

Smartphone Free Childhood is a grassroots movement bringing parents together to stand up for healthier, happier childhoods

Join the growing movement. It takes 30secs – and could change the world!

Tell your MP to back the Safer Phones Bill

See how many others have signed in your class, school and region

Our official parent-to-parent presentation

Join an international group or find out how to start one

See our site for school leaders packed with resources and inspiration
As Featured In

“The global parents’ revolt against the phone-based childhood has just begun in the UK – bravo Smartphone Free Childhood!”
Dr Jonathan Haidt – Official Ambassador
NYU Professor and bestselling author of The Anxious Generation

Watch our webinar with Dr Jonathan Haidt
We spoke to the world-renowned Social Psychologist about the shift from a play-based to a phone-based childhood; and what we can do to change it.

Watch our community webinar
An update from founders of Smartphone Free Childhood: Daisy, Joe & Clare, on where we are, where we’re going and how you can get more involved.
Together we’re powerful
Sign up to be part of the movement and for the latest updates from our campaign.